筚路蓝缕,以启山林。三十载,亶父走马,联谊集团始终肩负并履行着一个企业的责任与义务。“立足基础,扎根实务。虚怀若谷,迎接未来!”我们立身于行业前沿,自当磨砺锋芒,披荆斩棘!以全新的视角和专业能力,大胆赋予城市住宅新的价值观和创新理念,积极打造绿色健康宜居产品。 伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。联谊集团以匠人精神打造百年品牌,严格执行行业标准及国际质量标准。 千万华厦,一雕一琢,不负期望! “良心、诚心、忠心”是集团的核心价值观,以独树一帜的创意,优质的产品与贴心的服务立足于青岛,以追求卓越的精神走向全世界,引领时代,不畏改变,坚持信念,做客户信任满意的工程和产品。遂心如意,坚实可靠是我们集团对您的永久承诺!
President’s letter
It’s a long way to go for operating businesses. For 30 years, Lianyi co., Ltd has always taken the social responsibility and obligation in the first place as an enterprise. " Based on the foundation, rooted in the practice. Staying true to the mission, meet the future! Our thought stands at the forefront of the industry when we considering our products. With new perspectives and professional ability, we gave urban housing with new values and innovative ideas, and we aim to actively create green, healthy and livable products for the real estate market. Great works are not only built by knowledge, but also by action. With the spirit of a craftsman,
Lianyi group has built a century-old brand and strictly implemented industry standards and international quality standards. Every carving and each cut, all live up to expectations! "Conscience, sincerity and loyalty" is the core values of the Lianyi. Based on unique creativity, high-quality products, and considerate services in Qingdao, Lianyi strives to go international, professional and reliable. We are unafraid of change, keeping the faith, and making projects and products with customer’s trust and satisfaction. Give you what you want, solid and reliable, we promise!